Friday, November 03, 2006


Last June

We had a party last June 2005 up here in Toronto. Got a couple old friends here from Florida who we haven't seen in many moons. That's me on the right and Peg is next. That's her sister Judith next to her and her guy Norm next to her. Last is my cousin from Michigan, Mort. The kid in back is Sly Stone (Sylvia Stone). We had Kool-Aid, but it wasn't dosed. I don't think we could have handled that. Photo was by son, Kelley.

Heres a pic of Gwen (daughter in law) taken by Peg 1n 2005 summer.
Just another thought to brighten your day.
OOPS. Guess I blew that one.

Now that we know what you really look like, all I can say is that you really do resemble Foghorn.
Great pictures, Fogman. Glad to see you guys still know how to dress properly. I particularly love the picture of Gwen. That girl captures it for real. A flower child as they are supposed to look.
You and me both, brother.....
Tanks folks. By the way Leo, I haven't cut my hair since that pic, though Peg did trim the ends a little. Now I look more a lot like Albert Hoffman though cuter. I think hes dead and Im just back in the Groove!
I did LSD 11 times. Never a good "trip". Being a dumb Limey, I kept trying,hoping the horrors wouldn't come, but they always did. Think about it, it's a chemical! Why do we continue to put chemicals into our organic systems? Cause the FDA says they're safe?
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