Friday, June 16, 2006


Ft. Meyer

Peg and I have been in Ft. Meyer for the last few days. Her mom's been ill and at 93, we aren't taking chances. She hurt her hip which was replaced last october and we were worried they'd have to go in again. But not necessary.

This pic is from the condo where mom lives. It's been darn humid and hot, in the 90's and T-storms most every day. This was the first nice looking sunset while we've been here. This was Wednesday night

Good to see you back Foggy. Hope all goes well with the mom.

Did you remember to bring your waders?
Wow, 1913...much has happened since then. Mom must have stories. I think how far photography has come, how about the Internet??
Pity our ancient Loves were unable to blog...just imagine!
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